Core Beliefs
Beloved Community
Kinetic is inspired by a vision for the “Beloved Community” popularized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This vision is grounded in the belief that God calls us to remake our hostility-filled world into communities where love and justice truly reign. Inspired by the love of God operating in the human heart, the human community meets the basic needs of every person. Racism, bigotry, hunger, poverty and prejudices will end because God’s standards for human decency will not allow them to exist in the beloved community. The beloved community is called to confront hate with love because the love of God does not accept injustice or evil. Rather, it loves by way of justice, which ensures equity in access, participation, and flourishing for every human being. We are then empowered to commit to tangible action in our practices, our programs, and our networks that help bring equity and justice to the communities in which we work.
About God
We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who became human to reveal God to humanity and to reconcile humanity to God.
About Humanity
We believe that all people are created in the image of God to have fellowship with God but became alienated in that relationship through (sin) the act of centering our lives on ourselves and on the pursuit of things, rather than on God and the love of others. People, as a result of that alienation, are incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through our own human efforts.
About God’s Love
Because of God's love for humanity, God entered history in the person of Jesus Christ to restore our broken relationship with God. Jesus Christ lived the life we were created to live and then died to pay the penalty incurred for the life we actually live. It is through a person's faith in Jesus Christ, and what his life, death and resurrection made possible, that one's relationship with God is restored. God freely offers salvation (reconciliation) to anyone who acknowledges Jesus and because of their trust in him - no longer serving ourselves and doing all that we can do to be right - now turn to being a disciple following Jesus. It is through this simple act of faith that a person can be forgiven by God, be brought into God's family and have peace with God now and forever.